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98-year-old Kentucky woman with over 230 great-great-grandchildren meets her great-great-great-grandchild for the first time in amazing photo with 6 generations in it

This 98-year-old matriarch finally got to meet her first great-great-great-grandchild in her expansive Kentucky family. MaeDell Taylor Hawkins held seven-month-old Zhavia Whitaker this past February for the first time.  Granddaughter Gracie Snow Howell posted a photo of the moment that has since gone viral. MaeDell has more than 620 grandchildren today between the children of…

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5 Important Facts about Jesus’ Second Coming

The Second Coming of Jesus regards the future return of Jesus to Earth, following His ascension, when he will defeat the Enemy, destroy evil and establish His millennial kingdom. The second coming is described in Revelation 19:11-16: “I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse whose rider is called Faithful…

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A young girl was surrounded by 14 dogs. The moment the girl raised her hands to the skies, a miraculous event took place.

The similarities between the human and dog brains explain why people and dogs have been best friends for ages! Since humans and dogs have coexisted for more than 30,000 years, scientists have identified one of the reasons for this mutual understanding between the two species: incredible brain similarities between humans and dogs have been found. Dogs respond…

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Akiane Kramarik, a child artist, claimed to have seen Jesus’ ‘real’ face in her nightmares and chose to paint it on canvas. She believes God granted her talent.

When Akiane Kramarik was three years old, her skill was noticed, and by the time she was ten, she was invited to make her first television appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show. She finished a stunning portrait of Jesus, titled “Prince of Peace,” when she was just 8 years old. She claimed to have seen…

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