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Nurse Thought Little Girl’s Family Didn’t See What She Was Doing Every Day, Mom Decides She Can’t Keep Quiet Any Longer

ophie, a seemingly healthy two-year-old, embarked on a journey that would forever change her life. What began as what her parents, Shelby and Jonathan, thought was an allergy-related issue, quickly turned into a parent’s worst nightmare. Sophie was struggling to breathe, and the initial diagnosis of asthma would soon reveal itself as something much more…

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Parents Upset After Seeing ‘Offensive’ Sign, Sends Unfriendly Message

A popular restaurant is catching some heat after visitors noticed a sign posted at the front of the establishment. The owner succeeded in sending a clear message to parents, leaving many furious. Old Fisherman’s Grotto in the touristy Fisherman’s Wharf of Monterey, California, is no stranger to making national headlines and stirring controversy. In fact, a sign they’ve…

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