
Democrat Senator Arrested for Keying SUV with ‘Biden Sucks’ Bumper Sticker

Joshua Miller, a 69-year-old Democratic state senator from Rhode Island who represents Cranston and Providence, has been detained and charged with Vandalism/Malicious Injury to Property. Because the car had an anti-Biden bumper sticker, he is charged with purposefully damaging the vehicle. Senator Joshua Miller is claimed to have scratched an automobile with a key, according…

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Transgender Lawsuits Reveal Horrors of Procedures

Kayla Lovdahl is the perfect test case as a 13-year-old who was approved for “transgender surgery:” She could not conceive, at the time, of the possibility of suffering a lifetime of disfigurement and chronic pain. Ms. Lovdahl, now 18, has retained an attorney, Charles Limandri, who has employed such emotionally charged words as “barbaric and cruel” to…

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The GOP is Losing the Vote Fraud War

A Rasmussen poll taken in October of 2021 found that 56% of all likely voters believed that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.  Another Rasmussen poll dated April of 2023 revealed that 60% of all likely voters believed that cheating affected the outcomes of many 2022 midterm elections.  Unsurprisingly in a Rasmussen poll published on June 14, 2023,…

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Biden Admin Scrambles To Deleted Web Pages Showing Obama Ordered Ukraine BioLabs to Develop ‘Deadly Pathogens’

According to a web page that has been quietly deleted, Barack Obama led an operation that resulted in the construction of biolabs in Ukraine responsible for creating lethal and dangerous pathogens. The news comes on the same day that Biden’s spokeswoman, Victoria Nuland, expressed to the Senate that the US government is concerned about the biological research…

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After Hunter Gets His Ridiculous Deal – Tucker Carlson Unloads 1 Brutal Truth on Biden “Princelings”

“It’s like it never happened,” is how one of the most vocal conservative voices in the world described the Hunter Biden plea deal. Prosecutors supposedly investigated this rotten apple for five years. All they came up with for Hunter’s criminal deeds was a “guilty” plea for a few low-level infractions. Conservative commentator Tucker Carlson unloaded…

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Obama Makes Move With Democrats Behind Biden’s Back

The 2024 presidential election looming is highlighting the robust health of former President Donald Trump, who is far ahead of other contenders for the Republican nomination, and likewise highlighting the feeble state of current President Joe Biden. Although Biden has announced his bid for the presidency, his decline mentally and physically is not lost on…

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Federal Judge Drops the Gavel on Biden – Delivers Major Blow to Joe’s Far-Left Agenda

Radical leftists screamed for years about gaining “equity” for all people. They demanded President Joe Biden make it the focal point of his administration. Far-left activists jumped for joy when Biden created taxpayer-funded programs to enshrine equity throughout the “whole of government.” They praised him as if he had healed the land with a miracle….

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