California City Slammed For ‘Racist’ Trees, Forced To Remove Them

A California city came under fire over “racist” trees at one of their golf courses. Critics wanted them removed after finding one reason they believe the existence of the trees was “racist.” Take a look and let us know what you think.Tahquitz Creek Golf Course (Photo Credit: Screen capture/USA Today)
Tahquitz Creek Golf Course (Photo Credit: Screen capture/USA Today)

The Tahquitz Creek Golf Course in Palm Springs became the center of controversy thanks to a row of tamarisk trees that are believed to have been planted when the course was built in the 1960s. Although the landscaping existed for decades without issue, that all changed when some residents found themselves in angst, believing the entire existence of the trees was racist in nature.

While some believe the trees were simply planted for cosmetic purposes, making the course more attractive and providing additional scenery to players, others say that’s not the case. Instead, they believe the trees are a form of segregation, separating the golf course from a historically black neighborhood.

Tahquitz Creek Golf Course (Photo Credit: Facebook)
Tahquitz Creek Golf Course (Photo Credit: Facebook)

When the matter finally boiled over, the Mayor and city council decided to take steps to address it. Eventually, it was decided that the trees would be removed. “You asked why it took us this long,” council member J.R. Roberts said to a gathering of residents. “I can’t answer that. But guess what? We’re here now.”

“It’s a new city council and a new time,” said Mayor Robert Moon, who believed the $169,000 cost to remove the trees would be money well spent, according to Fox News Insider. “It’s not about a price to pay, it’s about finding the money,” Roberts added.

Trees separate a golf course from a historically black neighborhood. (Photo Credit: YouTube)

Local residents who were reportedly pleased with the decision claimed the trees had been a source of trepidation for some time. “It’s really about the barriers. It’s about the segregation and discrimination that has prevented black people in Palm Springs from accumulating wealth,” said Trae Daniel, a real estate agent who moved to the neighborhood. “In Palm Springs, they planted a wall.”

“When you’re coming down 34th and you pass those tamarisk trees, it’s like you’re in another world,” added Charles Metcalf, who grew up in the neighborhood, according to Desert Sun. “And, it shouldn’t be so. And, if you look at it, everything else around is open to that golf course,” he continued. “It’s like the city of Palm Springs did everything they could do to not acknowledge this community,” Metcalf furthered, demanding Palm Springs leaders “tear out these trees.”

“I truly believe they were planted to segregate the black neighborhood from the ritzy community over there and that shouldn’t stand anymore,” added resident Cathie Fox. But, not everyone agreed. As Palm Springs’ decision to remove the trees and the contentions of some local residents drew national attention, Tucker Carlson of Fox News featured the story on an edition of “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

Tucker clearly indicated that he wasn’t on board with the decision. “Why are we punishing the trees? We’re killing them,” Tucker said as he spoke with Daniel, who described the trees as “nasty,” environmentally unfriendly, and an impediment to black homeowners in the area as far as appreciation of the value of their homes.

Although reports indicated that the city budget was stretched incredibly thin, Palm Springs found a way to pay for the removal of the “racist” trees, but this is far from a story of “all’s well that ends well.” In fact, new concerns emerged after the trees were taken down.

Three months after the controversial tamarisk trees were removed in the Crossley Tract neighborhood, a property owner in Palm Springs raised concerns over urban blight that’s visible from her tenant’s unit, KESQ reported. With a line of dirt marking where the trees once stood, the backyards of homes in Crossley Tract were now visible to those in the Tahquitz Creek Golf Course — and, they were quite the eyesore.

The golf course has been left with unsightly views. (Photo Credit: Screen capture/KESQ)
Tenants of the golf course’s Mountain Shadows community are now greeted by this site out their front window. (Photo Credit: Screen capture/KESQ)

“Tenants that I have full time here now have this lovely view,” said Suzan Felando, the property owner of a unit in the Mountain Shadows community of the golf course. She was, of course, sarcastically referring to the Crossley Tract backyard with appliances and other items left outside.

But, it’s more than just unsightly. “There are children that play here on the golf course and for a child to go inside of an appliance, that’s not safe,” Suzan furthered. She also pointed out that there were plenty of residents who didn’t want the trees, which served as “a wind block,” to come down.

Tahquitz Creek Golf Course
Homes in the Crossley Tract neighborhood with appliances in the backyard are not up to municipal code. (Photo Credit: Screen capture/KESQ)

With the tree removal raising more problems, the city of Palm Springs addressed the concerns of the community by scheduling “free” weekend cleanups for Crossley Tract property owners. Assistant city manager Marcus Fuller admitted that properties were not up to the municipal code for maintenance and said notices were sent.

We initiated a proactive approach with all the property owners there regarding property maintenance and cleanup,” Fuller said.

Tahquitz Creek Golf Course
Property owner Suzan Felando (Photo Credit: Screen capture/KESQ)

The squeaky wheel got the oil, but it did little to improve anything at all. This is usually the case when you create a problem where there isn’t one. Ironically, Crossley Tract residents have had a few more demands for the city. They include building a 6-foot privacy wall for residents who want it, installing netting or something similar to prevent errant golf balls from flying into yards, and planting new trees similar to ones seen at other parts of the course, according to USA Today.

It sounds like they want “separated” from the golf course, even though that was allegedly their problem, to begin with. Perhaps they just wanted the city to pay for property improvements. And, they got it — thanks to the well-played race card.

16 thoughts on “California City Slammed For ‘Racist’ Trees, Forced To Remove Them

    1. Calling the trees themselves “racist” is sarcasm and meant to point out the absurdity of the entire issue. I think the idiot is not the source.

  1. Well there you have it. The dumbest thing I’ve heard out of Kalifornia this week. Give me an hour. I’ll find something worse.

  2. “Racist”. The catch all for anything that the leftist(Marxist) can accuse of anything or anyone that doesn’t agree with the commie narrative. That the city council went along with this BS tells me that the council needs to be replaced with folks who have a keen grasp on reality, as opposed to the insanity currently displayed.
    Where are the common sense folks in Palm Springs? Oh, wait a minute, its CA. Never mind.

  3. The Palm Springs area gets a lot of wind. So much so that there are wind farms just to the north west of the city. As a kid I was told that trees such as these were planted as wind breaks. To keep the sand and top soil from being blown away, and to protect houses from being sand blasted. I’ve driven thru the area and had the windshield and paint on my car damaged by the sand blowing across the highway. So I think in many cases, the trees were there before the houses were built. Just more Woke stupidity as far as I am concerned.

  4. It would be fitting if residents were injured by errant golf balls. It would be even more fitting if they
    were launched by black golfers

  5. Plain stupid. Next the people in houses along the tree-less border will complain of too many golf balls hitting their homes.

  6. People put up fences or plant shrubs and trees all the time to block the view of unsightly neighboring properties. But If the unsightly property happens to be owned by a black person you can’t do it because it’s racist? How dumb is that?

  7. I’m wondering whether the actual residents complained at all or just so-called do-gooders on their behalf, allegedly? did anyone ask if they wanted the nice trees taken down, or to have their way of life criticized and now cited for the state of their back yard, which used to be private? Or was the idea to run the residents out to make space for more lovely golf course side homeshomes?

  8. Fortunately we live in a country where civic minded people with ties to politicians like to help – themselves. Cut down the tress. Fine the people for the maintenance violations. Let them build their own fences at the back of their wind-swept yards. Make them pay lots of permit fees, and end up with a hodgepodge of DIY fences where a row of trees used to be. Better yet, make them use city approved contractors so the politicians can line their pockets more. Let the golf course go bankrupt – as being it’s an eyesore with high cross-winds that make you look bad – it will. Then let the developer with ties to the city council come to the rescue by “redeveloping the blighted neighborhood and former golf course.” How lucky we are that there are developers with ties to politicians who “just happened” to have plans to fix this “newly discovered” problem.

  9. Blocking off that eyesore that does not meet city codes looks like a good idea to me, regardless of anyone’s race.

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