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Capturing the Celestial Embrace: Photographer’s Triumph in Portraying Christ The Redeemer ‘Holding’ the Moon

In the realm of photography, there are moments that require not only skill and precision but also a dash of luck. One such extraordinary moment has recently made waves across the globe, as photographer Leonardo Sens finally succeeded in capturing an awe-inspiring image of Christ The Redeemer seemingly ‘holding’ the moon with both hands. This…

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These bugs come out at nighttime, and attacking victims, they silently kill or leave them with a lifelong infection

As a young child Emiliana Rodríguez recalls watching friends play a nighttime game of soccer, where one of the players suddenly dropped dead on the field. Not knowing what had happened, the Bolivian-born Rodríguez grew fearful of the night, afraid of the silent killer called Chagas, the “monster” she was told only comes out at night. Chagas…

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People Everywhere Are Loving This Gorilla. Just Wait Till He Turns Around And You Will Know Why.

The Internet is obsessed with animals. Whether it’s watching cat videos, reading about rescued stray dogs, or searching for information about wild animals, we can’t get enough. That’s why this silverback gorilla’s popularity is no surprise. Ambam is his name and he resides with his family in Kent, England at the Port Lympne Wild Animal…

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A stranger sees a little boy approaching street dogs on his way to school, unaware that his actions are being caught on camera

One day, as Ibrahim made his way to school, he encountered a pair of stray dogs on the street. Instead of simply passing by, he paused and did something when he thought that no one was watching… ”Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take….but the moments that take our breath away…” In 2021,…

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