FEATURED: Jon Voight Exposes Hollywood Elites

on Voight has been one of the most vocal critics of Hollywood…..from within Hollywood. The man is a rare specimen, someone who has not been corrupted by Hollywood, someone who still thinks for himself, and with that independent thought he has decided he is a Trump supporter and definitely NOT a DemonRat. Like I said,…

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Banana Republic: IRS Whistleblowers Threatened With Imprisonment…

Every man knows when another man is issuing a veiled or tacit threat against him. … Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, recently issued a somewhat angry letter to the House Ways and Means Chair claiming that the information provided by IRS whistleblowers is fake. Moreover, he claimed that the whistleblowers are merely politically motivated individuals—the only reason they came forward,…

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Additional JFK Assassination Files Released by National Archives

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) quietly announced the release of additional records regarding the assassination of John F. Kennedy. “In accordance with President Biden’s memorandum of June 30, 2023 the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) posted all documents with newly released information subject to the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection…

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BREAKING: James O’Keefe Wins Lawsuit!

James O’Keefe has been taking on America’s most corrupt institutions and laws for years now, and his fight has led to a massive increase in public awareness regarding institutions like Pfizer and BlackRock. Of course, the famed investigative journalist has come up against hurdles—the political, cultural, and corporate elite don’t want to be exposed—who does? One of these obstacles was Oregon’s Statute…

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