counter easy hit How sleeping in separate beds can help your relationship and why it might be the key to happiness - THE TRUTH

How sleeping in separate beds can help your relationship and why it might be the key to happiness

A lot of people think that sleeping together is an important part of a good relationship. But this doesn’t always happen. It’s actually good for couples to sleep in different beds, and this is something that many couples choose to do.

Couples might want to sleep in different beds for a number of reasons. For some, it’s because they snore, which can really make it hard to sleep. The Better Health Channel says that about 20% of people snore. Snoring can be caused by many things, such as not getting enough sleep, being tired, or drinking late at night.

Couples may also choose to sleep apart if their work plans don’t allow it. It can be hard to get a good night’s sleep when your partner has a different sleep plan. This is especially important for people who have trouble sleeping and may be woken up by their partner moving.

Some pairs may also find that sleeping in separate beds helps with other sleep problems, like people stealing blankets or having different body temperatures. Like, some people sleep hot, which can make it hard for their partner to sleep next to them.

There are times when lovers have to sleep apart because of things they can’t change. Because babies don’t always go to sleep at the same time, for example, new parents may need to sleep in different places.

Finally, sleeping in different beds can be a good arrangement for a couple.

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