Jill Biden Shocked and Bemused over Trump’s Massive Support despite Indictment

Jill Biden expressed her shock that Republican Donald Trump supporters continue to back the former president despite his recent federal indictment. She told Democratic donors at the Upper East Side home of Barry Ginsburg and his wife Merle in Manhattan that the 2024 election is a choice between “strong, steady leadership” and “chaos and corruption, hatred and…

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Witness in Biden Bribery Scheme Dies Mysteriously

We as a nation have become so used to the words “died mysteriously” in regards to potential witnesses about to expose corrupt politicians. Let’s be honest though, it usually involves the Clintons. Perhaps we’ve underestimated how deep Joe Biden’s corruption goes. According to former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, a witness who had smoking gun evidence…

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Hillary Clinton Rushed To Hospital After Collapse With “Mysterious Ailment”

An emergency medical situation quickly unfolded within an hour yesterday, Monday afternoon. Hillary Clinton, the wife of former President Bill Clinton, was transported by ambulance from their home in Chappaqua, New York, to the emergency room of a hospital located in the immediate area. According to sources, Hillary “was fine one minute, and in serious difficulty the next…

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Covid-19 Created In Wuhan Lab Through Classified Bioweapons Program: US Investigators

While the US Government has not had an official investigation into the origins of the COIVD disaster that stopped the world and damaged humanity, media reports are connecting the dots from several statements from leading scientists from around the world and combining that with independent investigations about theories regarding what appears to have started that…

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