Capturing the Celestial Embrace: Photographer’s Triumph in Portraying Christ The Redeemer ‘Holding’ the Moon

In the realm of photography, there are moments that require not only skill and precision but also a dash of luck. One such extraordinary moment has recently made waves across the globe, as photographer Leonardo Sens finally succeeded in capturing an awe-inspiring image of Christ The Redeemer seemingly ‘holding’ the moon with both hands. This…

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Millionaire Spouses Prefer To Live In Their Old House: What Do Jamie Lee Curtis And Her Husband’s 100-Year-Old House Look Like?

Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher Guest commemorated their 39th year of marriage in December 2023, having shared much of this time in their cherished family home where their children, Annie and Ruby, were raised. Curtis, a descendant of Hollywood icons Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh, carved out her own successful path in the industry with…

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These bugs come out at nighttime, and attacking victims, they silently kill or leave them with a lifelong infection

As a young child Emiliana Rodríguez recalls watching friends play a nighttime game of soccer, where one of the players suddenly dropped dead on the field. Not knowing what had happened, the Bolivian-born Rodríguez grew fearful of the night, afraid of the silent killer called Chagas, the “monster” she was told only comes out at night. Chagas…

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FANS Sending Prayers for Kate Middleton

Kate Middleton has been diagnosed with cancer. The Princess of Wales revealed the somber news via a video message Friday. Middleton explained that at the time of her abdominal surgery, it was believed her condition was non-cancerous, however post-operative tests revealed cancer. “This of course came as a huge shock, and William and I have been doing everything…

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