Tucker Carlson Predicts 2024 Race Won’t Be Between Trump, Biden

Former Fox News star Tucker Carlson has made a head-turning prediction involving the 2024 presidential race, telling an audience late last week he doesn’t think President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump will actually face off against each other again.

During an Intercollegiate Studies Institute event in Wilmington, Del., Carlson called Biden “senile,” adding that he wasn’t trying to be mean but that what he said is “just true.” He then noted that in most polls, Biden is losing out to Trump while the latter is facing some 90-plus counts stemming from four separate indictments, The Western Journal reported.

“Take the opponent out of the race, and they’re still losing,” he noted. “So, I mean, I don’t know what’s going to happen. This is not going to be a race between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. I would bet my beloved fishing camp in Maine that that is not going to happen. That’s not going to happen.”

“So what will happen?” he asked. “Well, I don’t know. One of, like, 400 distinct other possibilities… pick one.”

But, one of the possibilities is particularly worrisome to Carlson.

“If it’s Gavin Newsom,” he stated, “we should be very, very concerned. That guy’s scary, and I mean it.”

“I mean it,” he repeated. “Scary. But that’s a whole separate conversation.”

He also predicted a lot of upheaval over the next several months.

“These issues will be forced,” he said. “Soon. Like, in a year. And the road from here to November of 2024 is going to be filled with developments nobody in this room could foresee, I can promise you that.”

“So, it’s about to get very serious, for sure,” he stated. “Only leadership of the world at stake, which is also, by the way, we now know, the most lucrative possible franchise in human history.”

At that, Carlson asked the audience to let their imaginations “run wild” for a moment.

“What wouldn’t they do?” he asked. “What haven’t they done? What might they do next?”

He then asked: “How will you prepare yourself for that?”

“Take this seriously,” he encouraged the crowd. “As much as you want to retreat and pretend ‘everything is fine, sit down,’ it’s not fine, okay?”

He stressed that the “small group of people” who are running the United States of America does not “represent anything close to a majority” of Americans.

“Just to restate,” he explained, “Donald Trump, who was hated as a blood enemy by over 40 percent of the population and who’s been attacked in ways no political figure’s ever been attacked in the West, is beating the incumbent president.”

That in and of itself, he argued, is “a sign of revulsion, deep dissatisfaction with what we’re doing.”

Even though a majority of Americans are not “on board” with the policies that are leading to the destruction of the country as founded, Carlson ominously warned that we face the “darkest” people he says he has seen.

“The people who are responsible for it are the most dishonest, the most ruthless, the most anti-human group I’ve ever dealt with, and I spent 35 years living in Washington,” he stated. “I don’t even recognize these people. And what they’re doing… it’s so dark. They’re doing things that can’t even on an academic level conceivably help the United States or the population that lives here.”

He then alluded to Biden’s horrendous border policies, which have led to “seven million people from the poorest countries in the world” illegally crossing U.S. borders, only to receive “public benefits.”

“I mean, that right there will destroy the country,” Carlson said, “and they did that on purpose.”

“So, these are really, really dark people,” he stressed. “The darkest.”


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